- me ne vado a casa, a festeggiare con moglie e compari 🙂 grande Moira sei anche Geometra ! pagra da bere ! #
November 2007
links for 2007-11-12
links for 2007-11-11
Lo so non c’è niente da ridere 🙂 mia moglie ha un esame lunedì e rimane in clausura nel week-end per il suddetto, di conseguenza anche io sono oberato tentato da non ben precisati compiti casalinghi; tra questi uno dei più informatici e quindi meno dis-piacevoli è quello di curiosare tra i vari dischi di backup per riassettare mesi di copie indiscriminata ed ecco che rispuntano foto e video interessanti. Tralasciando quelli personali, ecco un video che ai tempi (2002) pensavo fantastico, così come tutti quelli di Pleix.net
Pleix is a virtual community of digital artists based in Paris. Some of us are 3D artists, some others are musicians or graphic designers. This website is the perfect place to share our latest creations.
Ai tempi non esisteva ancora youtube, tra le altre cose la qualitàsul loro sito è ovviamente migliore, comunque eccolo qui, dietro la bellezza c’è anche il messaggio…
[youtube ztEYEjoiROQ]
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-10
- @darthpelo dlinkdlink 🙂 #
- ma guardo un po’ la 3 http://tinyurl.com/2t5afs #
- @darthpelo non se se sia tutto perfattamente documentato, però nel caso .. meglio informarsi 😉 #
links for 2007-11-10
syncPEOPLE on Rails
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-09
links for 2007-11-09
interactive videoclip
Drag, drop, and resize !!
Quinn is an arcade-style tetromino puzzle game written and designed specifically for Mac OS X.
Relationship features an amazing, flexible and attractive one-window user interface. This application is very easy-to-use.
Money 2 features an amazing on-screen appearance. You will be blown away by its ease of use.
If you’re like us, you have managed to create your own mini-library of books, magazines, games, CDs, software titles, and movies. It is difficult to sort through all of them to see which ones you have on file, or to find where you last shelved a particula
Jar Inspector is an easy to use yet powerful jar file editor. It allows you to effortlessly view, edit and decompile the contents of jar files.
This software allows the user to perform drag-and-drop disk imaging on the fly.
Traditionally, chat clients on the Mac have been anything but glamorous. Colloquy is an advanced IRC, SILC & ICB client which aims to fill this void. By adhering to Mac OS X interface conventions, Colloquy has the look and feel of a quality Mac applicatio
Butler’s purpose is to make it easier for you to perform different â?? potentially recurring â?? tasks. Butler lets you arrange these tasks in its fully customizable configuration.
ASCII Projektor presents films by drawing them with characters.
come ci vedono dal Giappone…
This paper demonstrates an extensible mass emailing framework (Smart Mass Email SME). The demo implementation uses cutting edge .NET technologies available today, such as C#, .NET 2.0, Microsoft® SQL Server 2005 Service Broker, MS Provider Pattern, Enter
J.D. Meier, Alex Mackman, Michael Dunner, Srinath Vasireddy, Ray Escamilla and Anandha Murukan
Microsoft Corporation -
10 cutting-edge projects /// 8 bold ideas /// 3 groundbreaking panels /// 1 better world
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-08
- @sammyrulez perchè sei scettico ? #
- @come mai sei così giù ? perchè non ti guardi heroes dopo un bel bicchierozzo di vino ? non facciam tardi 😉 #
- @sammyrulez e mettiti il cuore in pace per i tmax eheheh #
- come dice il mitico Clarkson: "Ferrari is a scale down version of god! and the porsche 911 is a jump top volkswagen beetle." #
links for 2007-11-08
No Limits Hosting
Check XML and XHTML documents for Well-Formedness and Validity while editing them in TextMate with support for DTD, W3C XML Schema, RELAX NG, Schematron, XInclude, XML Catalog, and XPath 2.0 Visualizer.